A photo book to never forget …


A photo book to never forget ...

wit gedenkboek

Losing a loved one is hard. What remains are the memories that regularly surface in the days and weeks after the death. But suddenly that flow of stories dries up and things go quiet. A difficult point in the grieving process. Loved ones just want to cherish those moments. A memory book with photos is then a beautiful and durable solution. We would like to tell you why …

Photos help you cope

People grieve in their own way. Talking often helps, but not with everyone. Music also has a healing effect, as do photos. Some people choose a striking picture on the wall. Others find that a subtle frame on the mantlepiece, amongst other photos, brings out enough emotion. Either way, it is a good way to get used to the fact that someone is no longer around.

Another solution is a photo book that you only look at when you feel the need. If such a book has a nice cover, it can be just like a frame on the mantlepiece. Does it still hurt too much? Then put it on the shelf. That way you are not confronted with it every time, but you always have the photos at hand.

Extra backup on paper

People keep many photos – and thus memories – on a hard drive, a USB stick or somewhere in the cloud. Despite our endless trust in digital files, these can also be lost, ‘corrupted’ or damaged. With a tangible memory book, you reduce the chances of these moments being lost.

Remembrance book makes talking happen

Talking about someone who is no longer around is sometimes difficult. If you bring out a photo book, the questions, conversations and stories come naturally. After all, photos are an appropriate means of communication for any age.

Memories to hold on to

Losing someone means you can no longer touch them, and that often hurts. A physical photo book can provide comfort at that moment. It allows bereaved families to literally hold on to memories. Forever.

NEW: Peleman Image Editor

As a funeral specialist, you are adept at providing support. Practical support during the administrative and financial arrangements, but also emotional support. You want to help people make sense of the loss of a loved one. Both in their lives and in their hearts. With Peleman’s Image Editor, you really do have all the tools you need to offer grieving clients comfort.

  • New source of income for you as a funeral director
  • Just upload photos: Peleman takes care of the rest
  • No investment needed: use existing online platform
  • Innovative keepsake with great emotional value for the bereaved
  • Customised template: name recognition ️↗️
Jordi Borghmans

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