Acompaña a tus empleados
en un viaje asombroso..

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Porque los empleados importan.

El preembarque, la incorporación y un viaje fantástico para los empleados son indispensables en el panorama de RR.HH. Los valores más importantes de una empresa son retratados por los empleados. Contribuyen al éxito.

El viaje que realiza un colega desde el principio hasta que deja una empresa es muy decisivo para la satisfacción de los empleados.

En Peleman damos mucha importancia a la incorporación de nuestros colegas. Inspírate con nuestra caja de bienvenida.

La caja de viaje del empleado.

Lleva a tus empleados a un viaje fantástico y haz que este viaje sea tangible.

Preboarding — onboarding

How nice it is when your employees have a successful first day at work and are welcomed with something tangible? You can personalise your welcome box and fill it with lots of nice things.
Think of a video message from the manager, a photo panel with a photo of the team that the colleague will work with, a diary or notebook with his or her name on it, a photo book for the first team building, etc…

Preboarding — onboarding
The Peleman I Do-box
One of your colleagues is getting married? Say it with a box! This way, the happy couple can keep all the cards and congratulatory items and happy memories forever.
The Peleman I Do-box
Good companies have good parties! Make them even more memorable by giving a personalised theme box to the team.
The Baby Box
Congratulations in a box! Babies deserve that. This box is perfect to personalise with a name or date. Why not include a nice bamboo acrylic photo panel as extra gift?
The Baby Box
The Congratulations Box
Congratulations! A colleague who has been promoted or employed with your company for years must be honoured. A nice photo book, a certificate, placed in a congratulatory box with a photo panel. Whatever you have in mind, we can create.
The Congratulations Box
We will miss you-box
Colleagues who leave the company or are absent for a long time, are often missed. It’s nice to show your appreciation. A small gift like a magnet with a message can offer a huge pat on the back.
We will miss you-box
Teambuildings will be legendary
An Instax camera in your HR-department to help create memories of your company. Teambuilding, Birthdays, Christmas Parties, etc. Collect these moments in a photo booklet and add some comments!
Teambuildings will be legendary

¿Necesitas más inspiración?

Echa un vistazo a nuestro catálogo e inspírate. También ofrecemos un libro de reuniones perfecto. El contenido se puede personalizar con el aspecto y la imagen de tu empresa.

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